CREAM Oxid 10-20-30-40 vol.

Only for professional account

  • Cost-effective compared to other brands.
  • Flexible mixing ratios.
  • For best results should be used with VIART UltraBlond or Soft powders.


This classic developer features a more economical formula comparing to other brands.

Recommended mixing ratios for use on scalp and in foil with VIART UltraBlond 9+ Powder are 1:4 with 3–6% developers (a buffering reaction may occur with higher percentages if metals are present in the hair).

To clean “dirty” blonde the ratios of 1:8 to 1:10 with 9% and 12% developers can be used. Make a test strand before any bleaching service.


Additional information

Weight 1.10 kg
Dimensions 7.5 × 7.5 × 28.7 cm
Vol. / %

10 vol. 3%, 20 vol. 6%, 30 vol. 9%, 40 vol. 12%